The Story Of Marilyn Life as a hospital orderly can be tough. I work on the cardiac ward, where our elderly clients always seem to be checking out on us. I'm still quite young and their deaths hit me hard. I live alone; my parents are in Winnipeg. Montreal is a lonely city for me. Bertha is an 87 year old European grandmother on my ward. Her children and grandchildren always visit her. She is very friendly and animated. Everyone on my ward loves her, especially the nurses. She's always making funny jokes, always has a nice word to say. She is a pleasure to take care of. I'm making my rounds as usual. Cleaning bedpans. Moving patients to Radiology. From Coronary Care. To Physiotherapy. Boring work. I'm returning with a patient from the Dietician when the call goes out. We have another Code Blue on my ward. I rush to the scene. Usually the doctors give me samples to take to the labs. I'm quick on my feet, and I know the hospital layout well. I get to the room. Oh-my-gosh-it's-Bertha! It looks real bad. She isn't going to make it. The doctors are barely working on her. They've already given up. I feel tears come to my eyes. My vision blurs a little as the tears run down my cheek. Someone gently squeezes my shoulder. I turn my head and see the head nurse standing next to me. Her hand is on my shoulder and there are tears in her eyes too. I force a smile. Marilyn, the head nurse, is really wonderful. She's in her early forties, but still has great looks. She lost her husband last year, and since then she's been under a lot of stress. Sometimes we eat lunch together at the cafeteria. We just talk. It's always idle chatter, but her eyes have told me that she's lonely too. Today Marilyn's eyes tell me something different. She's in pain. She loved Bertha, and the elderly lady's sudden passing is a shock. Marilyn fights against the pain. She wants to do something about it. But how do you fight Death? How do you show Death that you're in control? Together we watch the final moments of Bertha. Our beloved little grandmother dies at 4:35 PM, of a stroke. Some of Bertha's family are here. I always feel so stupid when someone dies. Like it's my fault. They're looking at me with accusatory stares. Or are they? Marilyn and I return to our duties. Only 25 minutes until our shifts are over. I don't feel like doing much, so I work hard at looking busy for the next half hour. I'm inspecting a wheelchair out in the hall when I feel a presence behind me. I turn around, and Marilyn is there. "It's ten past," she says, "do you want to drop down to the cafeteria for a coffee?" Her voice sounds a little strained. She looks nervous. For once, I can't read her eyes. I agree, and we grab a coffee at `The Caf'. I order some jelly rolls for the two of us, and we sit down. For a long while neither of us says anything. She looks so attractive. I feel a need to wipe out the memory of Bertha's death. I feel a need for Marilyn. I wonder what she feels? Our conversation is jittery today. Almost like two highschoolers going out for the first time. She asks me if I have someone to go home to. "No," I respond, "but I wish I did." Marilyn puts her hand on mine and squeezes it. "My home's just a short walk from here," she says, "why don't I make you dinner." I smile. "I can't think of a single reason why not." Marilyn and I walk together to her place. I've never been there before. Oh, I've thought about it certainly. As I've said, Marilyn is a wonderful person. And I like older women. On the way there we're both very aware of each other's presence. It creates an exciting tension between us. She lives on the second floor of an old duplex, with a narrow stairway leading up. I ascend first, but halfway there I realize that Marilyn, not I, has the key. She is right behind, so I let her pass ahead of me. We are facing each other as she brushes past. The narrowness of the stairs forces our bodies together. Her soft body slides by mine, and I feel her warmth. A hotness flows through my groin. Marilyn looks back, and notices the swelling in my pants. She gives me a big smile. My baggy orderly pants look like they've been starched by someone with a real sense of humour. Marilyn turns and continues up the stairs. I'm a little in back of her, watching her wide hips and generous thighs as she climbs stair by stair. I'm enjoying the experience of undressing her in my mind's eye. Marilyn opens her door and enters. I'm admiring the view from below, and have fallen behind. Now I rush to catch up and as I spring into the vestibule, I almost knock her over. We're standing with our bodies pressed together, and our lips meet for the first time. A gentle, tentative kiss. Then a moment's separation. The next kiss ignites a blaze of passion within us. Our mouths become as one, and our tongues meet with great urgency. I start to caress Marilyn's back, quickly bringing my hands down to her buttocks. I press her firmly against my groin. She lets out a little gasp, and breaks our embrace. The front door is wide open! Marilyn has noticed some kids watching us from the street. She goes to the door, and flings it shut. I grin sheepishly and say, "Sorry about that. Now where were we..." "I believe the monsieur was going to carry me to our bedchambers." I place my hands behind Marilyn's shoulders and buttock, she leans back into my arms. I lift her, bridal style. Thank-you God for endowing me with strength, for Marilyn is a fully developed woman. "Kindly point the way my lady," I say once she is comfortably positioned. With Marilyn's finger leading me onwards, I carry her to the bedroom. I place her gently upon the bed's edge, and kneel down on the floor beside her. I gently begin stroking her hair, and caressing her face. She smiles at me, leans forward, and we start a long, deep kiss. Someone has turned up the oven under my groin. I move my lips across her face. I pepper her cheeks, eyes, and forehead with kisses. I work my way down to one ear, and begin to suck and nibble at the lobe. I almost catch my tongue on her little stud earing. Got to be careful there! My tongue journeys into her ear and I cover it in wet kisses. This gets Marilyn aroused, she gasps and moans with pleasure. She moves away from the edge, and I sit next to her on the bed. I give her mouth a quick kiss, and rapidly my lips travel down to her chin, then neck, and finally to the start of her uniform. She unbuttons the upper part and I reach around back and unclasp her bra. I hold one of her well formed breasts in my hands, and suck and fondle the nipple with my tongue. I let go of the breast, and press it against her chest with my mouth. I open my mouth wide, taking in as much of it as I can, licking and sucking furiously. Marilyn is writhing in ecstasy. She lifts up her skirt, removes her pantyhose, and slides her fingers underneath her panties. She fondles her clitoris with one hand, and drives her fingers up and down her love tunnel with the other. Marilyn's hands are now dewy wet with her own love juices. I lift myself from her breasts, and move down to sit between her legs. I take her hands in mine, enjoying the savour of her lubricating juices. I lick and caress her fingers with my eager tongue. Finally, I slide Marilyn's panties down her legs, and plow my face into her pussy. Her excitement mounts. I ram my tongue deep into her love hole. Creating suction with my mouth, I vigorously massage her clitoris and pussy lips. I suck all those love juices off of her delicious pinkness. Marilyn's gasps build to a crescendo. She looks down at me, and sees my face pressing against her love area. She grabs my hair in her hands, and forces my head hard against her clitoris. She quickly peaks, I feel her clitoris jerk back, and the walls of her love cave shudder. I mercilessly continue nibbling and sucking at Marilyn's love knob. Her gasps rise in intensity once more, and I feel her whole pussy quiver as she plateaus yet again. By now her breathing is laboured. Her thighs come together in an attempt to fend off my probing tongue from her pussy. Again I bring my tongue down against her clitoris. Marilyn uses her hands to press my face against her groin. She lifts her hips upwards, grinding them against my mouth. She gives one final wail of ecstasy, before letting go of my head. I crawl over to lie beside Marilyn. She gives me a soft smile of satisfaction. I haven't yet had a chance to cum, but Marilyn looks really beat. I can wait until later, and besides, I really enjoyed watching Marilyn get off the way she did. I stretch out on the bed, and take Marilyn's hands in mine. I gently tug at her, so that she rolls over to lie on top of me. We rest for a while in that position. I fall into a deep sleep. I'm out for I don't know how long. After a while, I dream about lying in a tub of warm soothing water. I'm being bathed by a dozen love servants, each with a soft sponge. They're all sponging me down with the water, my body is surrounded by warmth. The exciting, pungent smell of love fills the air. I awake to find myself totally naked. Marilyn is dressed only in a white silk blouse. There is nothing underneath. She has moved to my genitals, and is gently massaging my balls with her tongue. It seems that Marilyn has been busy while I was asleep! What a pleasant way to wake up, it sure beats the buzz of my alarm clock. Marilyn notices that I've come awake, and playfully pulls at my pubic hair with her teeth. She takes each ball into her lovely mouth, and slides her tongue over and around them. I moan with satisfaction. She begins to tongue my balls with increasing passion. "Oh God, I want to cum already," I exclaim. Marilyn brings her mouth to the head of my penis. She slowly works her tongue over it, covering its eager tenderness with her saliva. I yell, "Please Mari, make me cum!" Marilyn ever so slowly inches her mouth down my erect love stem. She goes about two inches, and then backs off. Then she comes back down, a little further this time. I just can't stand it anymore. I lean forward, and take Marilyn's head in my hands. I push her mouth down hard and deep. Her lips touch the base of my penis, her mouth and throat are filled with it's body. I pant and scream as Marilyn slides her lips and tongue up my love stem... and then rams them back down to the bottom. Over and over. I so much want to cum in her mouth. I feel myself rising to orgasm. I let the pressure build up within my penis until it's almost unbearable. With one last yell, I slam my bulging member deep into Marilyn mouth, and explode within. My cum pumps out in spurts, going straight down Marilyn's throat. Marilyn frees her mouth, and catches her breath. I am pretty breathless myself. We just look at each other for a while, appreciating each other's bodies. Soon the heat builds in my groin again. "I really want to slide into you. I want to put myself deep within you," I tell her. Marilyn's eyes signal that she is ready too; I move towards her. She lies down on her back, and I shove my face deep into her pinkness. I ram my tongue far inside her love tunnel, tasting those lovely juices. I suck and nibble at Marilyn's clitoris, and press down with my face hard against her groin. Marilyn groans and lifts up her thighs to expose more of her erogenous zone to my probing tongue. I mercilessly grind my mouth against her love area, she pulls her thighs back further and screams in ecstasy. I drive my tongue deep inside, and feel her vaginal muscles clench around it. Her love tunnel quivers, she inhales sharply and slams my face hard against her pinkness with her hands. My penis is literally purple with excitement. Only two things can diffuse it now: Marilyn, or the bomb squad. Marilyn's thighs are still raised. I'm on my knees, positioned between her legs so that we can come together. I gently enter her with my swollen member. I've got a perfect view. I can see my penis push aside her vaginal lips. My love stem slides its way in. I watch in fascination as her love tunnel opens wide to receive it. I slide my penis back out a little; it's glistening with Marilyn's abundant love juices. This sets me into a fever of passion. I cram my entire length into her. Marilyn arches up her groin and thighs, and screams with pleasure. I drop on top of her, and begin to fuck her madly. I pour all my energy into sliding in and out as fast as I can. Marilyn wraps her arms around me. I continue pumping. In. Out. In. Out. Marilyn digs her nails into my back and starts biting at my ears. With her mouth against my ear, I can hear her shouts and gasps with special closeness. This eggs me on as I push my endurance to the limit. In. Out. Faster and Faster. Animal rhythm. Heat. Touch. Smell. Pain. Orgasm. Both of us climax together in an explosion of colour. We're both spent. Our arms are clasped around each other. Marilyn's legs embrace my torso. My exhausted love stem is still within her. We remain in this position for a long time. I spend the night with Marilyn. I awake before dawn, and to my surprise we are still connected. My penis is no longer within her pinkness, but we are still in love's embrace. I give her a little squeeze. She lets out a soft tiny moan, like a kitten. I massage her scalp and run my fingers through her hair for some time. Her soft moans continue, and I rest my head against her chest. I can feel her heart beating and the tender warmth of her breasts. After a while she lifts her head and I can just make out a smile in the darkness. She brings her face up to my ear, and begins to suck noisily at its insides. I grasp her body tightly, and my penis stiffens against her. We roll over, so that now Marilyn is on top of me. She fumbles a little with trying to get my penis inside. I suggest that I, while on top, enter her and then we can roll back over. We perform this acrobatic maneuver flawlessly, like two F-16s at an air show. Once I'm inside Marilyn, our mutual excitement builds fast. She brings her body down hard against mine, and I plow deep within her pinkness. She grinds her groin into mine. I respond by pushing my thighs upwards. We meet under fierce friction. I'm throbbing with pleasure. Marilyn is pumping up and down with wild abandon. I clasp her buttocks, digging my fingers in, and driving myself still deeper into her. We're both panting and groaning like animals. Our pubic regions slam together again and again. I feel Marilyn's pussy walls stiffen against my penis. She's gasping for air, she inhales sharply, and screams. I feel her love tunnel shudder and shake. I continue to thrust upwards. Marilyn comes crashing down on me. It feels like our genitals are on fire! I cram myself deep into her. My hands are tightly grasping her buttocks, grinding our erogenous zones together. I feel the pressure in my penis starting to mount. I have to cum. I hold it in. The pressure builds. Marilyn wraps her arms tightly around me, pressing her lovely breasts into my chest. I let out a wail of ecstasy as I slam deep inside of her and release my load. I feel Marilyn quiver with passion. Now that I've cum, I'm rapidly losing momentum, but I continue to thrust upwards in hopes of bringing Marilyn to another orgasm. She throws herself down on me with all her might. Again and again. Just when I think I can push no longer, I feel her vaginal walls vibrate massively. It's like a mini earthquake, with aftershocks continuing for a good ten seconds. Marilyn and I are both shaking with exhaustion and joy. She actually begins to cry a little. I can't believe it. Right now I feel in love. On top of the world. I know it's childish, but God it feels great. We hold each other for a while. We're both hot, tired, hungry, and covered in sweat and spent love juices. If this is heaven, then give me more of it. After a while, I suggest that a shower and some food might be in order. Neither of us has eaten since yesterday afternoon's jelly rolls, and we've `worked out' more vigorously than Olympic hopefuls. We take a shower together, but with no hanky-panky. We're just both too tired. Marilyn takes two steaks out of the freezer, and pops them into the microwave. In a few minutes we sit down to a hearty steak and eggs breakfast. The sun is just beginning to come up. Both of us decide to call in sick. It's going to be a beautiful day.