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   18-08-2002: The tutorials and FAQs are back online. In addition I started to fill the `Animations' page. My Javascript animations and links to other people's animations are online.
   01-08-2002: There is a new FAQ for the German Usenet group about Ascii Art (de.alt.rec.ascii-art).
   12-07-2002: I am updating the collection more regularly now - about once a week. Today I uploaded the new version of the FAQ for alt.ascii-art.
   09-04-2002: Progress has slowed down a bit. During summer this will probably not get any better. There are some new additions to the Gallery of my pictures. The Collection has been updated too; the most recent addition is Tom Thumb. A draft version of my thoughts on ASCII and Copyright is online too.
   08-01-2002: I added a bit text to the Artists page with links to my Who is Who in ASCII art and to the Gallery of ASCII Artists by Colin Douthwaite as well as to the Net Surfer's Licenses by Daniel C. Au.
   24-12-2001: The collection has been updated with quite a few pictures. I am digging through the posts from alt.ascii-art which I have saved more or less blindly during the last months. And I have been surfing through the archives of Google looking for `old' art. The most interesting additions may be Tarzan from Shanaka Dias, some old cartoons about the X-Files and a 3D tutorial on how to make ASCII Stereograms.
   16-12-2001: I am trying a new look for my Collection so that is a) easier to read (thanks to Ceejay for the two-colour idea) and b) fits on a 800x600 screen. Maybe it works now. I cannot check it properly from here.
   14-12-2001: My small pictures are available now. Added a `favicon' to the site today (I didn't even know what that is before seeing all the `file not found' messages in the error log file and then doing some `research').
Later: Now the old URL will redirect automatically to www.ascii-art.de. I also announced the new page in alt.ascii-art and de.alt.rec.ascii-art. Added some text (draft version) to the About page. For example there you will find my email address - just in case you want to give me some feedback. :)
   13-12-2001: Added the webring codes to the start page and fixed some `redirect' pages. Nothing spectacular.
   12-12-2001: Here we go! The URL is pointing to the new server, the files are uploaded. Most people should now see the new Ascii Art Dictionary. Apart from the collection there are some of my pictures and links to other homepages from ASCII Artists. All the other pages of this site are either `under construction' or still missing. Please be patient.
At least the collection was updated recently. Lots of new pictures to look for.
   08-12-2001: Today I have applied for the domain www.ascii-art.de to be moved to the new server. So, in a couple of days this should go online - at last. :)
   06-12-2001: I am still changing and fixing things in the existing pages. Probably making matters worse. Something added to Tools and Resources.

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